Talking tech since 2003

Having trouble finding gifts to get for your geek love for Valentines Day? Check out the list of geek gift ideas below to help you with your quest – it’s not too late!

A domain and website – Your geek loves to share the latest news or random bits about their life? Get them the gift that keeps on giving with a domain and website hosting so they can have their 15 minutes of fame online too.

Despair, Inc. Bittersweets – Annoyed that you know your geek will not buy you flowers or anything special? Get even with Despair heart candies. Life could not get more agonizing.

I <3 Geeks – You love them, so buy a book showing that you learning the code of geekdom. This book is geared towards women, but maybe some geek guys could learn something too.

HTTP Panties – Need to get your geekette something? Why not some sexy underwear; http underwear. And they are W3C compliant too!

Glowing LED Candle – Want to geek out your home environment in not just the electronics way?  Get this LED tea candle which glows from red to green to blue and uses two C batteries.  Included in the kit are four tea lights.

iDog – Does your geek love dogs? Now get the iDog, a little robot dog who dances and plays music.

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