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Welcome to TechieBytes episode 58 titled It’s all in the team, tales from a 4x founder (feat. Peter Pezaris)

Today I’m speaking with Peter Pezaris, co-founder and CEO of CodeStream. We discuss the process behind selling a company, including how to know when it’s time to sell as well as when to leave, the time he and his team spent as part of Y Combinator’s Winter 2018 class, and how Peter has kept his founding team intact through four startups.

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More info about Peter

Peter Pezaris, co-founder and CEO of CodeStream, a company helping development teams communicate more efficiently. Peter is a serial entrepreneur with three successful exits under his belt (including Glip, sold to RingCentral and, sold to CBS), with CodeStream being his fourth startup. Interestingly, Peter has kept his executive/founding team intact throughout the four startups and over two decades (they met as undergrads at Carnegie Mellon).

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