Talking tech since 2003

Welcome to TechieBytes episode 82 titled The NFT episode (feat. Chad Knight)

Today I'm speaking with Chad Knight, a digital and 3D artist who is the Director of 3D Footwear Design at Nike. We discuss his background as a 3D artist, what exactly NFTs are and how they work, plus what the future of NFTs could look like! Enjoy!

I've also started the Florida Entrepreneurs Club along with my new friend (whom I met on Clubhouse), Nicholas Mohnacky (@mohnacky on CH)! If you're an entrepreneur in Florida (or anywhere around the world) be sure to follow me on Clubhouse (@jeffweisbein) and join us every Monday and Friday at 3PM ET and Wednesday at 7PM ET! Sign up on the site for the mailing list and follow our Twitter for updates.

Topics we discussed

  • What are NFTs?
  • How do NFTs work?
  • Why are moguls like Mark Cuban, Gary Vee, and Elon so heavily invested in NFTs?
  • What is it like as an artist to have your work valued in this way?
  • What got you into art?

Where to find NFTs

Audio Episode

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