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TechCrunch on the release of Super Mario Run for iOS last week:

Nintendo has confirmed what we all knew was likely – Super Mario Run got a lot of downloads at launch. The company says that the app was downloaded over 40 million times during its first four days on the App Store, which breaks records for Apple’s mobile software shop. Previous third-party estimates suggested the new game was on track to topple Pokémon Go’s previous early performance and approach the 40 million mark, but this official number confirms it.

I mean, yes, clearly that’s a lot of downloads, but the reviews haven’t been that great. Many people feel the $10 price tag to get past level three is a bit much, and those who have paid have complained there just isn’t enough value in the end to justify the purchase after all.

Early Super Mario Run reviews.

Look. I’m not a big gamer by any means, but Mario is as much a staple to entertainment/gaming as ketchup is to a hamburger. So yes, I did download it and played through some of level one before I learned about the $10 price tag… at which point I stopped. Sorry Nintendo. Though reports peg revenue thus far for the game at $9 million globally so you can’t feel too bad for Nintendo.

Again, I barely play video games, so I’m not the best person to pass judgement here. What do you think about Super Mario Run? Leave a comment!

(via TechCrunch.)

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