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First, I’d like to thank to Jay over at DSStyles for sending me a few cases to review and share with everyone.  DSStyles has a large selection of iPhone cases for the original, 3G, and 3GS.  Their selection is pretty good.  It focuses mostly on more sleek and shiny cases, however, does a few leather ones as well.

The ones I were sent were the D.S. (Darius) and the Metallico Series both of which are very nice and come with a velvety cloth holding case so you can throw your iPhone in your backpack or handbag and not have to worry about it getting scratched up.  Overall, both cases are more for the people who are interested in keeping their iPhone stylish.  If you’re looking for a more protective case I recommend you read my previous blog post where I discuss more protective cases.

The D.S. case is a bit different from the More-Concepts case I ordered a while back in that instead of the back having a circular cut for the Apple logo to be seen through, the D.S. has a cut in the back that looks like an Apple logo.  This makes for an overall nicer look.  Meanwhile, the Metallico Series is essentially a copy cat of the back of the iPhone 3G/3GS.  It has the Apple logo, the word “iPhone”, a 16GB label (which may or may not be good for 3GS owners), and even goes as far as having a model number and FCC labeling printed on it.  I’m not sure of the potential copyright infringement here but it doesn’t really matter for this particular review.

It is also worth mentioning that both cases are relatively easy to put on the iPhone, however, can be a bit troublesome when trying to take them off.

Which iPhone cases do you use or have tried?  Leave a comment!

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