Coda 2
Coda 2 is literally a web developers dream come true. It’s a fully featured OS X web development app that you can use to code, upload/download files using various methods (FTP, SFTP, Amazon S3, and WebDAV), manage files with SVN and/or Git, connect to your server via SSH, and more — all from within a beautiful user interface.
Coda 2 will make you much efficient with your coding too, not only does the app support static placeholder support so you can tab between the places that require input, it also supports dynamic placeholders so you can fill information more quickly. Coda 2 also has ebooks built-in to the app, so you can easily access information while your coding. It’s great if you need to reference something or need a quick refresher.
Coda also has a built-in GUI MySQL editor, so you can manage, edit, and even test queries right from within the app. On top of all that, you can also implement your CSS changes on-the-fly with Coda’s live updating CSS feature.
I use Coda 2 all the time to edit BestTechie and other sites, it really is my favorite web development app and has been for quite some time. I highly recommend it. You can purchase Coda for $74.99.
One last thing to note, if you also purchase Diet Coda ($19.99) for your iPad, you can do something which Panic (the company who makes Coda) calls Air Preview, where you use your iPad with Diet Coda to act as a live preview of what you’re coding on your computer. It’s really cool.
Download Coda 2