Why Clubhouse isn't the next big thing

Welcome to TechieBytes episode 79 Why Clubhouse isn't the next big thing (feat. Nate Elliott)

Today I'm speaking with Nate Elliott, he's a law student at Gonzaga University, runs content for BillBox, and writes a newsletter at Startup Salad. We discuss the up hill struggle that is awaiting Clubhouse as more competitors emerge, including by social incumbents such as Twitter and Facebook as well as what the app looks like after the pandemic. Enjoy!

Be sure to read Nate's Twitter thread on the bear case for Clubhouse too.

I've also started a South Florida Entrepreneur Club along with my new friend (whom I met on CH), Nicholas Mohnacky (@mohnacky on CH)! If you're an entrepreneur in Florida (or anywhere around the world) be sure to follow me on Clubhouse (@jeffweisbein) and join us every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3PM ET! Sign up on the site for the mailing list and follow our Twitter for updates.

If you haven't already listened or watched, you won't want to miss last week's TechieBytes episode which covers the bull case/why Clubhouse will be the next big thing.

And now, without further ado...

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