Windows Vista Survey

Marketing Research Survey

Topic: Microsoft Windows Vista

1. What kind of computer user are you?

a)    Novice
b)    Intermediate
c)    Power User

2. Have you used Windows Vista?

a)    Yes
b)    No
c)    I have only used it for short periods of time

3. Based on any knowledge you have of Windows Vista in one or two sentence(s) how would you describe it?

4. In your opinion which Microsoft operating system do you like better?

a)    Windows Vista
b)    Windows XP
c)    Windows 2000

5. If you had to describe Windows Vista’s image in one word – What would it be?

a)    Positive
b)    Negative
c)    Neutral

Thank you to everyone who answers these questions.  They are for a project I am working on in my marketing class.  You can leave your responses in the comments or feel free to email me them (besttechie[AT] or use the contact form).