Windows 8 Sales Off to A Worse Start Than Windows Vista

Microsoft’s latest operating system, Windows 8 is off to a pretty bad start. We already knew Windows 8 sales weren’t hitting Microsoft’s internal projections, but now the news is even grimmer. In fact, Windows 8 sales are so bad, they’re worse than Windows Vista sales at the same point in time after its release.

All of this despite major hype and a huge $1.5 billion marketing campaign. According to a report, Windows 8 online usage share is around 1.6% of all Windows PCs, which is less than the 2.2% share that Windows Vista commanded at the same two-month mark after its release.

The data was compiled by web analytics firm, Net Applications, which monitors operating system usage by recording OS version for around 40,000 sites it monitors for clients. The slow Windows 8 adoption is not a good sign for Microsoft, especially after a terrible month back in November.

The Data was measured up to December 22, so there is still a chance with holiday sales that this number could change, but we won’t know until later this month.