Vine Begins Allowing Users to Reserve Vanity Names

Vine, the video centric social network owned and operated by Twitter, has today announced that they’ve begun the early stages of rolling out one of the most oft requested features of the network – web profiles. Starting today, users will be able to login to Vine using their desktop computer’s web browser and reserve a vanity URL that will eventually link to your profile on the web.

This is the first step towards a more global, platform agnostic Vine experience – something that competitor Instagram, owned by Facebook, underwent just under a year ago. Users are of course able to choose whatever vanity names they’d like, however verified users get to be lucky enough to have their profile names automatically reserved. Choose wisely, however, for once you sign up with your desired name you’ll be unable to change it.

Twitter hasn’t given any confirmation as to when web profiles will actually formally launch, but given today’s milestone I would guess that day is not too terribly far into the future. Vine has been under increased competition from Instagram as of late, which just a couple of months ago was upgraded to support video recording and editing in a manner extremely similar to, and in many ways more robust than, Vine. Still, Vine enjoys a vibrant community and remains one of the most popular applications on both iOS as well as Android.