Twitter launches new #Music app for Spotify

Twitter’s #Music application has always been somewhat of an ugly step child. Talk about Twitter’s music service, which launched earlier this year with a huge amount of fanfare, quickly died down when users realized that it was somewhat of a disappointing augmentation of Twitter and music services with not too great social elements and little to no direct access to actual music. But the company made a huge turn today with today’s release of Twitter #Music for Spotify, which makes #Music actually useful when it was merely interesting before.

The new Spotify application largely emulates Twitter’s iOS application, though on a pretty dumbed down level. Right from within Spotify, you can now find and play the most talked about music on Twitter. To make sorting easier, #Music allows you to search through various genres as well as sections for “Superstar”, “Popular”, and “Emerging” music.

After playing around with the app for a couple of minutes, I’m more than willing to say that it’s engaging in a way that #Music has never been before. Click a section, scroll through a simple and visual representation of music, and click play. You can even add tracks and entire sections to your existing Spotify playlists, finally removing the separation between #Music and your existing library of music, which has always been a huge deterrent for me.

The only disappointing element here is, ironically, the lack of Twitter integration. It would be nice to be able to tweet out the music I’ve discovered using the application or what I’m listening to, and unfortunately the only real social element you seem to get here is what’s already baked into Spotify – which means, in essence, mediocre Facebook integration. Still, this is a giant step up for Twitter #Music, and a great way to energize a lagging brand. You can start using #Music on your Spotify by heading over to Spotify’s “App Finder” and adding the Twitter #Music app.