Tweetboard Brings Twitter To Your Website

Tweetboard is a 140ware project that creates a Twitter-powered forum for any site. All a site owner needs to do to install Tweetboard on their site is implement the code provided and you will instantly have a site-wide tab appear which allows visitors to have forum-type discussions by simply logging into Twitter (via OAuth). All of the conversations are threaded, and comments appear on Twitter as well as on the site itself.

The application has a number of benefits. First, since it broadcasts all the messages over Twitter, it creates awareness about your site and/or a particular topic of conversation going on somewhere on your website. And second, because of the increased awareness it can create, you are most likely going to experience an increase in traffic.

Tweetboard brings new functionality to Twitter. The ability to have threaded and nested conversations which has been missing from Twitter since day one is a big plus because it allows users to easily follow topics of conversation. This functionality isn’t a new concept, it has been available in other places like Friendfeed and Facebook for quite some time.

I plan on setting up a Tweetboard here at BestTechie so keep an eye out for that.