Today's Nintendo Direct Brought Us a New 3DS Release Date, Lots of Other News

If you’re a Nintendo fan, listen up: the company had one of its world famous “Nintendo Direct” live video streams today, and in terms of newsworthy announcements, this one did not disappoint.

I won’t go into great detail on all of them. Instead, I’ll hit them bullet-point-style to get you caught up as quickly as possible.

First off, the New Nintendo 3DS XL. It’s more powerful, it has face-tracking to make the 3D effect work better, and last but not least, it’s releasing on February 13. That is in less than a month, folks.

Speaking of the New 3DS, there will be a special Majora’s Mask edition. And you can probably guess what that means: Majora’s Mask 3D will also launch on February 13. Also available on that date: Monster Hunter 4. The highly anticipated Xenoblade Chronicles will arrive in April.

Amiibo continues to be very successful, and Nintendo will roll out Wave Four later this year.

A new trailer for Fire Emblem was released.

Nintendo introduced its first cross-buy title: Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars. This means that if you buy the Wii U version, you’ll get the 3DS version — and vice versa.

Lastly, some popular Wii titles will be coming to the Wii U as reproduced digital titles. We currently know of Super Mario Galaxy 2Punch Out!!!Donkey Kong Country Returns and Metroid Prime Trilogy, though more are expected to arrive over the course of the year.

Not bad, right? I’m a pretty big Legend of Zelda fan, so naturally, I’m excited to see Majora’s Mask remade for the 3DS. But those who own the Wii U may also be happy to see more games showing up on the system, even if they are Wii games from the previous generation.

Have some thoughts about the announcements from Nintendo’s Direct today? Leave ’em below.

[Source: IGN]