The importance of a logo design and 5 reasons why you need a good one

Every business needs a visual representation of who they are and what they are about. Logos not only pull the eye with their catchy designs, but they also can provide a quick glimpse into the company. Those without logos are not only less noticeable, but they also take the risk of not being remembered by future or passing customers which means even more so, less repeat business, and less loyalty. It is easy to use a logo maker or hire a graphic designer to create a visual identity for your company. However, knowing the importance of logo design and why you need one is the first step in starting and maintaining your business successfully. Here’s why…

Branding your business

One of the foremost reasons to design a logo is so that you can brand yourself and your business which, in the long run, will allow you to get your name out faster and provide customers with a visual subject to remember you by.

When branding and advertising, your logo is what you are going to use on business cards, websites, fliers, adverts, and everything in between. It is what will be considered the “profile picture” of your business and many people will refer to this image in their minds when looking for, or referring back to your company.

As it should be a unique image to your business to your name, logos direct attention to themselves and give first impressions as well as implanting themselves as memories for those who were impressed or even took the time to absorb it. The quality of design of course, can effect whether the impressions are good and whether the memories will stick with them or not.

Brand definition

A brand not only defines a company itself; it also tells a story. Brands use images inspired to represent themselves by letting their design choice tell their story. The choice of design ultimately decides what the logo is going to say. Smiles and friendly faces can signify friendly, customer service. Smooth lines and clear backgrounds can put off impressions of smooth operation and ease of use. Some designs use characters and the year they were established to show history and the sturdiness of their business. Logos are ultimately a visual representation of who a company is, and the choice lies within what type of message or story you want to tell with it.

Brand attention

Living in such a rapid-paced society, we are more likely to give our bursts of wayward attention to images instead of text or writing. Even in passing, it is easier to note a digital image than it is to absorb a foreign word or combination of words. If something seems too complicated to us or our eye, we are less likely to stop and pay attention to it. We move past it without giving it the energy we need to fully take it in.

By utilizing logos, we decrease the time it takes to grab someone’s attention as they bustle passed and it leaves them more likely to remember the encounter. In crowded marketplaces or trade shows, your logo allows the wandering eye to find your company and pique an interest as to what you are about. This can be used to your advantage to draw in potential customers who wanted to satisfy their curiosity or noticed your logo and had to see what it represented.

Uniqueness of your logo and brand

Colors, fonts, and overall graphic design choice will certainly be what causes your logo to succeed or fail. This is because certain colors are attractive and stand out, while others deter people and slip past the busy mind’s eye. If potential customers cannot read the font on your logo, it can cause confusion and those customers may decide to go where they feel more comfortable. Odd how the human brain can immediately decide if it likes something or not and whether it should be submitted to memory.

That being said, when you use a logo for branding, it becomes easier to tell your company apart from others – easily. Going beyond that, the brighter and more attractive the logo, the more likely you are to stand out against the rest. Not only will you become more recognizable, you will become more noticeable and the association will be made between your image and your company. The level of uniqueness heightens these abilities of your logo. 

Logo image and security

Sure, there are two points listed here, but they go hand in hand with each other with how they affect companies. Logos do one major job, and that is scream ownership! When designs are solidified and the correct legal trademarks have been made, no one else can use your logo because it is simply – yours! Not only will this logo exude itself within any and all branding, but it will show that you are present and that you are established.

Giving off these impressions allow your company to show that there is a solid foundation beneath your business, and that you are successful and knowledgeable. In short, having a logo established gives off an air of professionalism that those without logos will miss, over and over again – simply because they seem unprofessional.

Lastly, the “profile picture” analogy can be applied here to help prevent scams and thefts to happen within your company, as well in general society. Having your logo present on delivery vehicles, emails, letters, and even business doors will provide a sense of security to customers which will help them return in the future.

Designing a logo should be the foremost importance when creating a company so that you can utilize it to work for you. It will not only speak for you, but it will bring your customers a sense of personalization and security while making you recognizable and unique. When thinking about the importance of a logo, consider these two questions: Can you name one major company without a logo? Would you use a company without one?