Sonarax summons the holy trinity of communication with ultrasonic tech that keeps you connected when WiFi and Bluetooth can’t

If your childhood dream was the ability to communicate like Superman via ultrasonic frequencies, well, good news, it seems like that time has finally arrived!

Sonarax harnesses the power of sound to facilitate device-to-device communication. The company is unveiling a protocol that uses ultrasonic technology to streamline mobile payments, authentication, IoT connectivity, and soon indoor navigation.

Sounds really cool, right? But, do we care about sound-based technology? My mother has finally learned how to use WiFi, Bluetooth, and NFC… so what makes it different? Do I have to go back to the drawing board and figure out a way to teach her how to use sound waves now? According to Sonarax, their proprietary protocol adds a new standard of m2m communication that complements, while not replacing, existing tech. Likewise, it always works, even when cellular networks are unavailable. Sonarax doesn’t require any special hardware to work, any device with a mic or a speaker is enough. Moreover, It can be easily integrated with any application, including most well-known operating systems such as Windows, Android, and iOS.

Besides all the excitement behind incorporating sound to communicate, Sonarax is getting ready to introduce Indoor Navigation. Sonarax is developing technology so you never get lost inside again. Soon, ultrasonic technology will take you to exactly where that supermarket product you need is, and to those shoes you’ve been eyeing at the mall, before anyone else takes them. As a person who is tired of wasting hours in the supermarket trying to find my wife’s shopping list, this solution sounds perfect. Yet, it seems more like a great idea rather than a solution Sonarax will be able to implement in the short term.

Additionally, Sonarax is currently offering solutions in different areas, including ultrasonic payments, which facilitate secure pairing for mobile payments and contactless ATM interactions and ultrasonic authentication, which provides a secure identification solution so you can easily identify yourself when you shop or perform any transaction (and never have to hear ‘I can’t find you in the system’ again).

Additionally, Sonarax is currently offering solutions in different areas, including ultrasonic payments, which facilitate secure pairing for mobile payments and contactless ATM interactions and ultrasonic authentication, which provides a secure identification solution so you can easily identify yourself when you shop or perform any transaction (and never have to hear ‘I can’t find you in the system’ again).

By now, you might be wondering if your mobile phone is going to make awkward noises each time you make a payment. Sonarax utilizes frequencies beyond human hearing abilities, meaning it’s silent for humans. If you ask me, I’m into feeling a little bit more like Superman and adding ultrasonic communication to my current options. Ultrasonic technology has the potential to streamline communication in ways we haven’t heard before.