Skribit Review - What Should You Write About?

Skribit is the ultimate tool to cure writers block. It is a little widget which you install on your site, which then, allows your readers to request and vote for things for you to write about.

It can be set to allow anonymous submissions or only member submissions.  When a new submission is added the site owner will receive an email informing them of the request.  Skribit is an excellent tool for all bloggers to figure out what their readers/viewers want to read about and/or watch.

Once your request is submitted the author of the site can link the suggestion to a blog post via the Skribit control panel, by doing this it will inform the user who submitted the request you wrote about their topic.

Do you use Skribit?  Leave a comment!  Also, feel free to request topics using my Skribit widget who knows, I might just use your suggestion!