Secondhand Google Glass Devices Will No Longer Be Deactivated

The era of exclusivity may be coming to an end for Google Glass. The wearable tech, which launched to “Explorers” earlier this year, has expanded its installed base since users received additional invitations recently. Now it appears that Google is walking back its policy of deactivating sold Glass Explorer devices.

The change to the Google Glass FAQ, discovered by Engadget, states that Google doesn’t “plan on disabling any Explorer’s device.” While potential Google Glass buyers can rest assured that a device they buy will work as it should, Google was careful to mention that selling a Google Glass device is still against its Terms of Service.

So what does this mean for the sales of Google Glass Explorer devices? Probably that those who have them will tread lightly when it comes to selling them or may hold off entirely — at least, they will if they value their Google accounts at all. For those who could care less about incurring the wrath of the big G will find their Google Glass device suddenly has a lot more resale value.

I fully anticipate a couple of Explorers trying their luck on the open market, testing the waters to see what they can get for their Google Glass devices. Whether they sell is another matter entirely. The way things look though in terms of the expanded Glass invitations and loosened restrictions from Google, a retail launch of Glass can’t be too far around the bend.

If you happen to come into possession of a Google Glass device by purchasing it from a third-party, we’d love to know how the process went and if you were able to activate it without issue. Drop us a line at or tweet us @BestTechie.