Retronyms Releases Tabletop 2, Improving Music Creation on The iPad

Musicians and creative types, hold on tight because Retronyms just released Tabletop 2. If you’re not familiar with Tabletop it is a modular music creation app for iPad, it features over 25 different devices including samplers, mixers, effects, sequencers, and turntables that can be mixed and match to create some awesome beats and music (that is, if you’re more musically inclined than myself). But enough about my musical deficiencies, let’s talk about the app.

The update to Tabletop, which is free by the way, adds several new features including a Timeline Editor, MIDI support, and Session Sharing (powered by Soundcloud). While the app comes with a number of devices built-in for free, you can purchase more virtual gear via in-app purchases.

With the brand new Timeline Editor, you can easily cut, copy, paste, duplicate, create notes, correct note timing, and edit note length and velocity. And with the built-in support for MIDI controllers, you can now plug in any MIDI controller via the Apple USB Camera Connecter Kit for iPad to use with Tabletop. Once you have your MIDI controller connected, you can map controls and configure MIDI devices for the app. From there, it’s simple to control different devices within Tabletop such as, keyboards, drum pads, knobs, and faders using your MIDI controller.

One of my favorite new features in the app is the ability to collaborate with the community of Tabletop users. Once you complete your masterpiece, you can upload it to the Tabletop community directly from within the app to let others listen and even download and remix. All uploaded tracks to the community can be downloaded by other users with all the presets and data intact so others can remix or evolve the track and then share their new creation with everyone.