(RED) announces Apple has donated a total of more than $65 million

Apple has for years now offered (Product) RED versions of some of their most desirable products and accessories, including their iPod nano, iPod shuffle, iPod touch, iPad Smart Covers, and iPhone 4 Bumpers. But up until now, nobody has been quite sure as to how much sales of those products have actually gone to help support the (RED) organization, which aims to raise money to fight AIDs. Well, we can stop guessing, the numbers are in – according to U2 frontman Bono at the CGI 2013 convention, Apple has contributed over $65 million to the cause, becoming one of the number one corporate sponsors to the organization.

Bono’s statements were tweeted by the official (RED) Twitter account, which has thus far garnered almost 100 retweets and favorites. The tweet reads:

Apple and (RED) hope that the organization could potentially reduce the number of AIDs cases across the world to effectively zero by 2015. Apple customers can support this cause by heading over to Apple’s official (Product) RED product page and purchasing the specifically designated red colored products and accessories. Apple sends a cut of the profits made off of these special devices over to (RED), who then uses the money to provide treatment and care to those affected by the disease.