How To: Help Prevent Your Content from Being Stolen

Embed Anything is a brand new service which allows content creators to help deter people from stealing their content without providing any credit to the original creator.  Their technology is extremely easy to setup.  Publishers can create a free account on Embed Anything, grab the script they provide and place it somewhere between the two <body> </body> tags or if you use WordPress you can install their plugin.

There are also several ways to implement their technology on your site.  You can use their button, which similarly to other social buttons out there counts the number of embeds, use a simple rectangular button to generate the embed code, or use the “invisible” method which will only show up when someone goes to copy your content.  I personally use the last implementation, I find it the cleanest.

Once either text or an image is embedded on another site it will be displayed with an overlay ad, a follow link back to the original site, and will have a direct link to the source.  The service will allow you to embed any ad code, but recommends you read their terms of use prior to doing so.  Some ad networks may prohibit having multiple publisher ID’s on one page – just something to be aware of.  It appears that if you use Google AdSense, you should be OK according to this blog post.

Additional benefits of using Embed Anything:

  • Embedded content comes with a link back to build SEO and traffic
  • Embedded content is invisible to search engines
  • Ad space contained within each embed lets you monetize embedded content
  • Reporting and control over which sites are embedding your content
  • Ability to block sites you don’t want being able to embed your content.

Watch the video above for a full demo of the service.