Opera Mini for iPhone Will Be Approved

Opera announced today via a press release that they developed a version of the popular Opera Mini for the iPhone.  I’ve read a couple of blogs that are concerned with the app being approved by Apple.  While I can understand the concern, I truly believe that Opera Mini will have no problem receiving Apple’s stamp of approval.  I expect to see Opera Mini in the App Store within the next week or so (or whenever Opera submits it for approval).

Apple has approved other browsers into the App Store before.  In fact, I use an alternative browser on my iPhone (Perfect Browser) and it has replaced Safari for me.  I’ll have a review of Perfect Browser up in the coming days.  I honestly, just do not see this being a problem for Opera.  If we were talking about Google releasing Chrome for the iPhone then I might be a bit more skeptical.

Additionally, the browser does not support Adobe Flash which makes it even more compliant to Apple’s standards.  It is also worth mentioning that Opera is known for their compression technology which results in significantly faster web page loading and reduces data transfer (I’m sure AT&T would love that).

I’m calling it – Opera Mini will make it into the App Store.  If it doesn’t, I would truly be shocked.