News from the Nintendo World Summit

This past week, on February 24th, Nintendo held their annual World Summit conference in San Francisco. Every year, Nintendo introduces or talks about the most anticipated games and/or consoles of that coming year. This year, all sorts of juicy news came out for Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M. They also unexpectedly introduced a new version of their top selling handheld system, the Nintendo DS.

First off, Nintendo introduced the new version of the DS, which they call the DSi XL. It is basically a bigger and probably more powerful version of the Nintendo DSi, which was released not even a year ago. In my opinion, there have been way too many versions of the DS and I think they should have stopped at the DS Lite. However, we’ll see how sales go once it is released in the US on March 28th of this year.

Another big announcement was the release date and an official trailer for Super Mario Galaxy 2. This is probably one of the most anticipated games for Nintendo of 2010. Judging by the trailer, this game is going to be just as good, if not better than the first game. This sequel shares the same mechanics as the first one, along with some new galaxies and even some gameplay with Yoshi, which all Mario fans should enjoy. This game is set to release on May 23rd of this year.

Another big game announcement is the release date of another anticipated game, Metroid: Other M. This game is going to feature a lot more dialogue then the past Metroid games along with some great new features. We will be able to switch between 2D and 3D at any time and have the ability to switch from 3rd person to 1st person just by the way we hold the Wii remote. Judging from the pictures, this game looks absolutely fantastic and I can’t wait to get it when it comes out on June 27th of this year.

These are only the top big announcements at the Nintendo World Summit. There are still many more things they talked about such as the DSi Web Browser, upcoming WiiWare and DSiWare games, and much more. This definitely looks like it is going to be a great year for NIntendo.