We Need A Multi-Account Pinterest Platform

For social media gurus, you know there are plenty of multi-account Twitter and Facebook applications out there. One free download and you’re on your way to scheduling posts, using multiple accounts, and quickly navigating all responses and mentions from one easy-to-use window. These platforms are easy to use, convenient, and offer a great way for social media managers (or just enthusiasts) to get through their day with only a single password/login combination.

But for whatever reason, Pinterest has yet to be given — or rather give themselves — the same treatment. Instead we are forced to keep a sticky note full of account information and painstakingly log in and out every time the urge to pin comes up. While this may not sound like much of a hassle, when compared against the ease that comes with TweetDeck, HootSuite, or their equal counterparts, the difference is obvious.

A Pinterest Alternative

Sure there is nothing inherently “wrong” with Pinterest’s platform, but it’d still be nice to have the option of an outside perspective. (Pinterest first has to release an API or public application interface, leaving the quest impossible.) With such a multi-account site, users could pin, respond, see what friends are pinning, etc. – all from a single window. This means social media managers could pin from multiple accounts quickly and efficiently, as well as having a faster follow up time.

With a site that is completely visual based, it’s a wonder it hasn’t already been expanded upon. Perhaps it’s still too new, or maybe the site doesn’t want programmers to mess with the layout that is Pinterest, but whatever the reason, it’s high time we had the multi-account option.  Our pins will be waiting.