Move Over Search and Display Ads, Taboola Shows Discovery is Here to Stay

When it comes to online advertising, targeting the U.S. audience is a favorite amongst advertisers.  Typically though, advertisers have been focused on two major channels: search and display, but that may soon change.  Reports released by comScore today show that content discovery network, Taboola reaches more than 86 percent of U.S. Internet audiences on the desktop — that places them number two, only behind Google’s ad network (which reaches over 95 percent of U.S. Internet audiences).

The comScore September reports show that Taboola now reaches more U.S. desktop users than Facebook, Google sites, Yahoo, Outbrain, and AOL.  That’s quite an achievement and for Taboola founder and CEO, Adam Singolda, really validates his belief that a third category should be added to advertisers radar: Discovery.

Discovery is something Mr. Singolda has been talking about for years — 7 years to be exact, providing users with a better content experience through recommended content. According to Mr. Singolda, Taboola has more than 2 million pieces of sponsored content (articles, videos, slideshows) in its marketplace. And with the work that Taboola has done to improve its recommendations over the past year or so, including its release of Taboola X, addition of Taboola Choice, and partnership with Yahoo! Japan it doesn’t appear the company is showing any signs of slowing down.

One thing I’ll be looking for in comScore’s next set of reports is how Facebook does and if there’s a noticeable increase in reach.  Of course the reason being because the company just released an updated version of Atlas (which they acquired from Microsoft back in 2013).

And for those keeping track, Taboola is currently serving more than 150 billion recommendations to over 400 million unique visitors every month across the Web and in mobile apps.