How To Watch Sports on Your Smartphone

Are you planning to travel but really don’t want to miss your favorite sporting events? Thanks to modern technology, it’s now easier than ever to watch any sporting event that you like when on the move, providing that you have a smartphone and access to an Internet connection. Due to ever evolving technology, you can still access your favorite sports shows and sporting events wherever you are in the world, even if you move into an area where certain shows or channels are blocked. Setting up your smartphone to watch sports on is relatively easy, and we’ve put together a list of easy ways which you can use to make sure you stay up to date with sports while on the go.

Sports Apps

Perhaps the easiest way to watch sports on your phone is to download one of the many available sporting mobile applications. These apps will allow you to watch sports on your cell phone wherever you are, and are optimized for mobile devices in order to provide you with the best possible quality viewing. All that you will need is sufficient space on your smartphone and an internet connection. Many sports apps also offer the option to stream live sporting events straight to your smartphone, although it’s important to be aware that this could incur charges on your cellular network, so ensure that you check your data plan first or try to gain access to connect to a Wi-Fi network before you start watching. If you don’t mind not watching live but still want to see the event, most sports apps will let you watch recordings of the event after it’s taken place.

Web Browser

If you don’t want to download a sports app or don’t have enough space available on your cell phone in order to do so, you can also watch popular sporting events using your smartphone’s web browser. Although you can expect the quality of the sporting event video and audio to be less than that on a dedicated mobile application, it’s an effective way of catching up with sports on the go without having to download anything to your smartphone. However, it’s important to note that using the web browser may limit the amount of sporting events that you’re able to watch and generally you will only be able to watch events that are posted online for public viewing. It’s also often harder to find sporting events streaming live online when using the web browser, so it might not be the best idea if you don’t want to watch the event after it’s taken place and would prefer to view it live.

What if it’s Blocked?

If you move out of an area where a certain sporting event is permitted and into an area where the content is geo-restricted, you will find that you will no longer be able to access it on your smartphone or indeed any other device that you may have such as a tablet or laptop computer. However, there are ways to get around this, and in a few simple steps you will be able to view your favorite sporting events even in areas where viewing is restricted. Using a smart DNS proxy will change your cell phone’s DNS and make it appear as though you are in the location where the sporting event that you want to watch is permitted. So, if you’re looking for an NFL gamepass but are worried that you’ll be in an area, region or country where viewing is geo-restricted, go ahead and install a smart DNS proxy on your cell phone in order to gain access to any content that you like, anywhere you like.


When it comes to viewing sports on your smartphone, there may be costs depending on exactly what you’re planning to watch. If you need to set up a smart DNS proxy then you will most likely be charged, although the majority of reputable smart DNS proxy providers will allow you to sign up for a trial version before you commit to making a payment. Certain sporting events will allow viewers to watch for free while others will be paid, and depending on the sports apps that you choose to download, these may also cost you some money. The most important cost to look out for when watching sports online on your smartphone however is your data – be careful not to incur extra charges on your plan.

How do you watch sports on your cell phone? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.