How To: Value Your Website

I have received this question a few times, “how much is my website worth?” and one of the most common misconceptions is to base your websites worth on traffic statistics alone. There are several other factors aside from size, traffic, ranks, etc that need to be included in the mix when determining the worth of your site or any site.

One of the major factors is revenue stream and the amount of hours required for the site to be successful. If you are making a lot of money from the site but it requires you put in a lot of hours per week to maintain that level of success, it may potentially lower the price of the site depending on the buyer.

Another major contributing factor is if the site is tied to a person(ality). If that person is no longer associated with the site, it will decrease the value immensely and will greatly increase the chance people will leave once the sale is made. That needs to be considered as well and factored in accordingly.

It is also worth mentioning that the buyer of the site will have to make sure that if the sale is completed that they are protected from you going out and starting another website immediately and bringing your users over there.

If you have any specific questions regarding assessing the value of your site, feel free to contact me and I’ll do my best to help you out.