How to use influencer content to increase on-site conversions

Maximizing your influencer content is key to increasing on-site conversions. You need to know what type of influencer suits your target audience, attract your chosen influencer, and then build a relationship that can benefit you both. Learn the value of quotes and use them to promote your product. Realize that advertising has changed a lot, and that influencer content is your best tool to staying competitive in this new atmosphere.

Choose the right influencer for your audience

Focus your marketing efforts around your audience, since they are where your conversions (and money) will come from. You want to find out who they are influenced by, or at least the type of influencer. It’s more effective to use an influencer, seen as more trustworthy and independent, than to just blanket advertise without one. Who are the top influencers in your target industry? Are you looking for someone who will influence your readers to act, or change the way they think? Sure, your ultimate goal is to increase on-site conversions, but do you want to achieve this goal through increased traffic on your website or through getting your brand out there on social media? Answering these questions will help you choose the right influencer.

Attracting an influencer

Social media is your friend when it comes to landing your preferred influencer. You might want to start by checking out if any influential people are already aware of, and talking about, your brand. Look at what your influencer is talking about on social media. What kind of content are they interested in and talking about? Do your best to find common ground between your brand and their content. Join in on the discussions they’re having and explore collaborative possibilities. You know you can both help and promote one another, so show them what you’re worth.

Building relationships

Your collaboration with the influencer is going to benefit both of you, but someone’s got to start it off. Take the lead by promoting them on social media, using their services, and introducing them to useful contacts. The influencer will do the same for you once you’ve demonstrated your value. The best use of a relationship with an influencer is to make it an ongoing thing, rather than a single collaborative effort whose benefits will fade over time.

Influencer quotes

“One of the most valuable aspects of your relationship with an influencer is being able to quote them. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. Quotes, in general, are very effective since people love to be quoted and people also love sharing quotes,” recommends Daniel Gould, marketing manager for EliteAssignmentHelp. Perfect for social media, by the way. Every time you quote your influencer, you can tag them, keeping your brand fresh in their mind (maybe reminding them how fantastic your services are when they return) and encouraging them to promote you again. Just make sure it’s okay for you to quote them, or you risk backlash on their social media and negative publicity. And yes, there is such a thing as bad publicity.

It’s a new era in advertising

The world has changed a lot in recent years, and so has advertising. People see so many ads in a day, on many different platforms, that they begin to tune them out. You can reach people by combining real content with your ad. Using an influencer is a great way to accomplish this task. People will move towards brands that provide information they actually want and need. If you know who influences your target audience then you know how to get their attention. And that’s not just a massive accomplishment in the current environment of dwindling attention spans, it’s the key to increasing your on-site conversions.

Writing your content

Writing doesn’t come easily to everyone. You don’t want to look like a goof by cranking out some sub par influencer content. That’s not going to help you attract your desired influencer. Get some help if you need it. Here are some resources that will help you write perfect influencer content:

  1. ViaWriting and Grammar Checker are useful grammar tools.
  2. PaperFellows and Oxessays are good proofreading tools, recommended by Huffington Post.
  3. StateofWriting and MyWritingWay are writing guides you will find useful.
  4. Academized and BestBritishEssays are great content marketing agencies.
  5. SimpleGrad and AcademAdvisor are writing communities you will find helpful.

Keys to success

It can feel like a daunting task to recruit and work with an industry influencer. Just choose the right influencer for your audience, attract your influencer, build a working relationship, cross promote one another, and utilize the power of the quote. Don’t forget to use the writing and grammar tools above to polish your influencer content. Follow this guide and you’ll see how useful influencer content is for increasing your on-site conversions.