When It Comes to Home Security, It's Best Not to "Set It and Forget It"

When it comes to security, you cannot take chances. When it comes to security, it is never a case of one-size-fits-all. There is no guarantee that the home alarm system of your neighbor will work flawlessly for your home, too. Generally, friends affect how we arrive at decisions: from relationships to what movies to watch. But security should never form part of that generalization. When safety of loved ones is at stake, no generalization could really apply.

A Local Consumer Review Survey conducted by BrightLocal found that 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Positive reviews inspire trust. But when it comes to the best home security systems in the market, will you just settle on what some people say?

How would you feel if you invested on the latest alarm monitoring systems and diligently armed it every day but would go home one day and realize that you have been broken into and the alarm never went off? It is best to test security systems to make sure that they work, satisfy your expectations, and that they are perfect for your lifestyle and your needs. Here are 8 reasons why testing security systems are a must.

Is it working?

Photo courtesy of Mike Mozart via Flickr.

Any gadget or appliance that comes into our home needs to be tested. This is the only way to know that the stuff actually works and performs just as promised. After installation, you have to be able to ensure that the integrity of the system has not been compromised. How do you know a home security system is reliable if you have not tested it?

Most of the testing can be done without setting off the alarm. Most security systems also have a “test mode.” Among the first things you have to do is to test sensors of windows and doors. Close and open them. If the system is working correctly, this will cause the alarm to activate. You may also walk around the house and see if your movements will trigger motion detectors. Sensors of wireless alarm systems may also be tested the same way.

For maximum performance

Photo courtesy of SuperCar-RoadTrip via Flickr.

You have to know if your preferred home security system performs the way you think it does. Remember that technology is nothing unless you know how to use it. Take the latest smartphone model for example. It may have the best features, but if you don’t know how to use them, it’s as good as having a regular smartphone.

Home security trends for 2016 include video surveillance, video analysis, real-time alerts, Bluetooth connectivity, and remote monitoring and control. You have to be able to test if a violated sensor or detector will send real-time alerts on your phone. Only if the device gives maximum performance will you know that you got your money’s worth.

Reduce false alarms

No one wants to live in a state of paranoia. There are alarm systems that are way too sensitive for your taste. You have to be able to configure it so that it only alerts you on unusual happenings. It helps to know that 80% of false alarms are easily preventable. Practicing using the alarms will help a great deal. It also helps if you are aware of sensor locations and that you check batteries regularly.

Compatibility is key

Photo courtesy of Andrew Turner via Flickr.

Most alarm systems today work with smartphones and other control systems in the house. Check if all components are compatible. For example, check if hardwired alarm systems can still be connected to your phone. Check if your security system is compatible with cloud-based software solutions or other forms of integration. Remember that technology is still ahead of the security industry so test your system if it is compatible with all the other innovations you subscribe to.

Check signal transmission

Photo courtesy of skeeze via Pixabay.

In testing your home security system, you are also testing the signal transmission of the device in your area. You have to know if your security system’s signals are reaching your security company’s monitoring station. If your device is dependent on wireless internet signal, testing your security system will also give you an idea on how reliable the signal is and if all the data can be transmitted.

A stranger might be a burglar

Photo courtesy of Activedia via Pixabay.

When it comes to your alarm system, never be too quick to trust, not even the utility men who installed them. You have to check the system every time that a stranger walks into your house, because they  might just be pretending to fix something. For all you know, they have disabled the system so they could break in later.

Know the system’s weaknesses

Testing the system is important not only because it will tell you what the security system can do but also what it cannot do. Testing the system will let you in on the vulnerabilities of the system such as can a burglar jam it or stop it from working altogether? How? Other than being cut off, what are the other vulnerabilities of wired alarm systems? Testing the system, in short, will help you manage your expectations on the device.

It will secure your home 24/7

It is not enough to arm your security system every day. Remember that this will secure your home 24/7 and you cannot take chances. One of the reasons to secure your home is because you want to keep your family safe and you cannot leave that up to a malfunctioning security system. Your security system should be able to give you peace of mind when you are eating dinner with your family or putting your kids to sleep. It should give you a feeling of refuge every second of the day.

Recommendations and reviews give you a glimpse of a product or service. However, you cannot bet your life on it. Testing your home security system is a must if you want to get the best out of it and make sure that it delivers on its promises. It is not enough that the device looks good on paper or in online reviews, it should be able to protect you and keep your family and property safe at all times.