Great ways to make the best of quarantine through online entertainment

Things are not as normal as they once were, or should we call this the new normal? Staying indoors and doing whatever it takes to keep one motivated is the order of the day. As much as people wish there was a way out, the only thing we can hope for is for better days as we wait for the lockdown to end.

The good news is that you do not have to be all bored and gloomy in the house. There are many things you could do to keep the entertainment going. Here are seven of the best ways to remain entertained during the lockdown.

1. Free Theatre

The good thing about this season is that a lot of entertainment is available online at no costs at all or with reduced prices. One of the free entertainment packages you should watch is the virtual festival of the arts, courtesy of BBC as part of the culture in quarantine. Big names such as Emma Rice and Mike Barlett have some of their works featured.

You could also catch the free National Theatre Live Production every Thursday on YouTube. There are different films on the schedule so you could check to see which ones suit your preference.

2. Online Gigs

Many artists are trying their best to get their works out with the already dominating names seeking to keep up with the trends during the lockdown. The good thing is that most are releasing new music online for free while others hold live free gigs. Neil Young, a rock legend, released his first section of the Fireside sessions. You can watch it on the Neil Young Archives website and enjoy the nice musical entertainment for free.

For Montreux Jazz Festival lovers, there are over 50 concerts now available to watch online. Featured artists include Deep Purple, Jonny Cash. Wu-Tang Clan, Ray Charles, among others.

3. Online Games

From the famous Candy Crush and Temple Run on one’s phone to more involving combat games, you can never miss something incredible to play online. Most of these games are free, and some allow you to play head to head with other online players.
Casino games fans and people who love earning a few coins from playing online also have great favorable options. The offer of available casino slots is nearly endless and nowadays, you can even earn and withdraw your money in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. For this purpose, there a special cryptocoin casinos listed on this page that meet the people’s increasing demand for making transactions with cryptocurrencies. In doing so, cryptocoin casinos offer a variety of payment methods like Bitcoin, Monero and Ethereum.

4. Online Exercise Classes

Who said you could not feel entertained as you get your body in shape? With great online exercise and Zumba classes, you can always find something that works for you. If you are not sure where to start, you could check the free instructed videos by the NHS. They cover a wide range of exercises such as Pilates, Yoga, aerobics plus strength and resistance exercises. A good exercise should go for around 30 minutes, but you will get different duration videos by other instructors online.

5. Watch Movies Online

In this day and age, one does not have to buy a cinema ticket to watch a great movie. With a Netflix account, you can access a wide range of films and TV series at very affordable prices. If Netflix is not at your disposal at the moment, you can also watch several movies on YouTube. A lot of content on YouTube is fantastic, and some are also targeted for kids so you can have a family watch hour on chosen days.

6. Digital Reading

No matter how much you love to read, going to the library is not an option in the lockdown. This means that you have to look for ways to supplement a physical library with other online options. Many online bookstores are trying as much as possible to keep books available to their customers. A good example is who have released hundreds of audiobooks, especially for children, and this offer is free.

Other apps such as Anybooks offer access to thousands of different books, from fiction to motivational books and also children series.

7. Documentaries

For the more cerebral types, you can have your day filled with incredible documentaries on different sites. Documentary Heaven, Documentary Tube and Top Documentary films are some of the places with free access to a good number of documentaries. Some of these creations are watchable with kids and could also be useful to keep them learning new things even while staying at home.


This list could go on and on, but these seven options will for sure keep you occupied, entertained and sometimes educated. Feel free to try new things since you should have all the time to do so. If you have to work from home, at least spare an hour or two to loosen up and enjoy being at home before the lockdown comes to an end.