Google Search app for iOS updates with Google Now

Google announced today on its official blog that the Google Search app for iOS has been updated and now includes Google Now functionality. A check of the App Store shows that the updated app is indeed live and ready to be downloaded onto iPhones and iPads.

When you launch the updated app, you’ll find that there are now “cards” creeping up from the bottom of the screen. A tap or a flick upward reveals these cards, which contain information that Google believes you’ll find useful based on past searches. For instance, my cards currently contain information on the weather in Harrisburg, Pa., as well as sports scores and news.

A look at the updated Google Search for iPad with Google Now.

But that’s just a little bit of the magic. As Android fans know, Google Now also tries to learn from you so that it can better predict the information you’ll want in the future. If you drive to work every day at about the same time, Google Now can learn that and begin showing you traffic information for your trip.

Google Now is really Google’s take on Apple’s Siri, but there’s no question that Google has taken things to the next level. While Google Now doesn’t have the system-wide integration that Siri does with the iPhone, Google Now can still be plenty useful. And while Siri only tries to answer the questions you’re asking right now, Google Now is trying to answer the questions you haven’t even asked yet.

It’s pretty remarkable stuff. And who knows — maybe it pulls some iPhone or iPad owners into the world of Android, where Google Now can do so much more.

As Google usually does, the company put out a video highlighting the update to the Google Search app and the new Google Now features it brings. You can check that video out below.

Are you a tried-and-true Siri fan or will you be using the new Google Search from now on? Let us know.