Google Quick Search Box Review

Google released a new product for the Mac called Quick Search Box.  Essentially what Quick Search Box does is search your computer and the web seamlessly through one application.  Think QuickSilver but on steroids.

Google QSB (Quick Search Box) allows users to quickly search their computer for files, applications, documents, etc or the web for content.  Currently Google QSB is Mac only, but perhaps a Windows version is in the works.

So what makes QSB so special? Well, for one, it will learn as you search with it more and more.  For example, if you launch a particular application through it all the time, it will move it up in the list of results to make it more easily accessible. Additionally, you can add your Google and even Twitter accounts into QSB to allow for further searching functionality such as your Google Docs.

Google QSB also provides the ability to easily search YouTube, Google News, Google Images, and a number of other Google services (along with your local files and applications) right from within the program itself. The built in application shortcuts (hot keys) make it super simple to open the application and change your searching preferences.

Google Quick Search Box is still in the experimental stages so it’s by no means a full featured (though it seems like it is!) or a bug free application, it is still in development. Nonetheless, I highly recommend you try it out – it’s very nice!

Let me know what you think of Google Quick Search Box – leave a comment!