Google Keep Lets You Save What's On Your Mind

Google just announced a brand new app called Google Keep.  Keep, like other todo list apps, lets you quickly write down your ideas and even allows you to include checklists and photos.  All of your notes are stored in Google Drive and synced to all your devices.

Google Keep even has the ability to let you speak instead of type, Keep will transcribe voice memos automatically.  And to make finding your notes quick and easy, Keep offers a search feature.

If an app like this sounds very familiar to you, there’s a good reason for that.  Google has experimented with note taking apps before with services such as Google Notebook, but has since killed them off.  The todo list marketplace of apps is super crowded, so I guess one more app can’t hurt any.

Google Keep is currently available for Android (4.0 and above) only and is available on the Google Play Store.  There’s also a web based component, where you can access, edit, and create new notes.

What do you think? Will you use Google Keep or stick with an alternative app such as Evernote?