Google Glass Demo Video Gives You A Taste of Google Glass

Interested in learning more about Google Glass?  Well, you’re in luck.  A new video from SXSW hit the web earlier today (see above) with a segment from one of the sessions where they demoed Google Glass.

One of the first things mentioned in the video is how Google Glass is not in your direct line of sight, so it’s not “in the way” when you’re talking to people or doing things.  Instead, if you glance up, you can pull up Glass and go from there.  As we covered before, you can do Google searches and take pictures with Glass, but one of the more interesting things shown off in the video is what Google is calling the “Timeline,” which is essentially a list of all events/things you’ve used Google Glass to do, that you can browse through by swiping forward and backward.  Additionally, from the items on the Timeline, you can perform additional actions such as sharing a photo or deleting it.

Another interesting thing mentioned in the video is that when Google Glass tells you something, such as how to say a word in another language, you’re the only one who can hear it (and you don’t have to wear anything in your ear), I’m curious to know more about how that works.  You can also get the weather forecast currently or even a more extended one.  It all looks very cool.  Obviously, what it shown in the video is just the tip of the iceberg, but at least it’s a taste of what we can expect.

Overall, the demo definitely leaves me wanting more, what about you?