Google Enabling Hashtag Use in Google Search, Exclusive to Google+ Content

Google unveiled this afternoon that it’s officially added hashtag support to Google Search, a trend that’s become increasingly common on social networking giants the Internet over. But though Google is including it in its framework, it’ll only work for Google+ content.

The update is rolling out over the course of the day for English-speaking users of Google ( and As with most of Google’s modern announcements, the inclusion of this feature is to tighten the tie between Google’s popular search engine and Google+, the company’s not-as-popular social network.

Here’s how it’ll work:

  • When you search on Google for a hashtag, say [#AmericasCup] or [#WaterfallWednesday], a set of relevant Google+ posts may appear to the right of regular results.
  • You’ll only be able to see posts that have been shared publicly or shared with you.
  • If you click on any of these posts you’ll go to Google+, where you’ll see the full set of relevant posts.
  • You’ll also see links to search for these hashtags on other social sites.

Not counting hashtags, the latest tie to Google+ around the Google network is YouTube, which will soon be used to tighten the reins on troll comments on YouTube videos.