Google Buzz Overview

Google introduced Google Buzz to the world today (it is still being rolled out to everyone so if you did not get it yet, fear not).  So what exactly is Google Buzz anyway?  That is a great question and one I wondered myself.  Here’s the deal on Google Buzz.  According to Google, “Google Buzz is a new way to start conversations about the things you find interesting. It’s built right into Gmail, so you don’t have to peck out an entirely new set of friends from scratch — it just works.”  Essentially, that is what Google Buzz is in it’s most watered down state or explanation.  I’m sure you would like a more in-depth overview on Google Buzz, so let’s break it down.

Google Buzz has two main components – the desktop version and the mobile version (which is more than just a desktop version that works on your mobile device).  On the desktop side of things, Google Buzz is built directly into Gmail and will automatically follow people you communicate with via Gmail.  Additionally, you can connect several social networking sites such as Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, etc directly into your Google Buzz account therefore making it simple and easy to share, aggregate, and create conversations, photos, and videos.

There are many basic tasks you can perform through Buzz such as leaving a comment on someone else’s buzz, liking it, or even emailing it.  You can make your buzzes private or public too.  One of the major benefits to Google Buzz is the built in search functionality.  Needless to say, it is very good (it is a Google product after all).  The Buzz search trumps Twitter’s search by leaps and bounds.  This is definitely a killer feature of Buzz.

Where Google Buzz will be very interesting to follow is in the mobile division.  It uses your mobile device and geo location technology to see where you are which can put context into the items you share on the go.  Not only that but the ability to see who is buzzing around you (whether you follow them or not) is pretty neat.  Google Buzz’s integration with Google Maps is also very handy to see “hot spots” or areas where people have left information, tips/tricks, or advice.  Of course, this is really nothing too new, we have seen Foursquare do this now for a while and they also have been partnering with even more stores and restaurants lately to benefit their users.

Google does have a very large user base to work with here, we are talking (potentially) every Gmail user could use Buzz.  What I’m really interested in seeing is if Google Buzz can truly help me manage, find, and explore my current conversations as well as new ones.  If it can, then it will win me over.

What are your thoughts on Google Buzz?  Leave a comment!

More on Google Buzz (videos by Google):

Google Buzz:

Google Buzz for Mobile: