Setapp solves your tasks with apps

Find apps

Type words in the search bar. Anything that describes your task.

Install on Mac or iPhone

Install the apps suggested by Setapp and get the work done.


Connect apps into workflows to boost your productivity even more.

Type words in the search bar. Anything that describes your task.
Install the apps suggested by Setapp and get the work done.
Connect apps into workflows to boost your productivity even more.
Create your own powerful shortcuts

Setapp is full of quick fixes and workflow boosters. You just have to find the ones that work for you.

Every app’s a gem.
Setapp members have a stark obsession with efficiency, so we only select the apps that focus on getting quality work done fast. Discover niche solutions to your daily challenges. Solve granular and grand tasks on your favorite device.
You make #setapp as much as we do.
Recommend apps and stay in-the-know. Setapp members are a family of their own.