Bored Guy Codes A Free Gawker WordPress Theme

Last week, Gawker Media revamped its entire network of sites web designs (e.g. Lifehacker, Gizmodo).  Despite a ton of criticism (including from myself), Gawker has kept the new design implemented.  But it appears that some people may actually like the new design.  This past weekend a bored web developer decided to create a free and open source version of the new Gawker Media theme for WordPress.

The Gawker look-a-like theme is named Qawker and can be downloaded for free.  Sahas Katta, the web developer who created the theme says on his blog where he announced the theme, “I was a little bored and had some free time on my hand this weekend, so I decided to code an equivalent theme for WordPress users. Within about six hours and a few breaks, I had a nearly perfect replica without having to look at a line of their code.”

I have to say, after looking at the demo version, I’m impressed.  It looks good and appears to be less buggy than Gawker’s version.  What do you think?  Would you consider using the theme on your site?