Popular Mechanics Writer Looking for Shed-Users

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Hey all - I'm a writer for Popular Mechanics and am covering a story for the magazine on sheds.

Do any techies out there use a shed (those standalone structures in the backyard) to do work or for hobbymaking/gadgetry storage and tinkering, etc? If you live in North America and do in fact use a shed, please let me know. You might be the person for this article.

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Like Arthur Jackson I have two sheds. One , a metal shed I purchased at the Home Depot and the other a wooden shed I designed and built myself.

I need to replace the siding on the one I build because I had intended it to be a temporary solution and I just used OSB and never got to covering it. But it has held up well considering. Maybe some time this summer I will go ahead and strip that off and put on new hardiboard or T-1-11. I need to clean it out too, it is packed solid with crap.

The other metal shed , I regret not getting a floor kit or making one, just anchored it using rebar pounded in at an angle.

I guess you could count my dog house as a third shed, since it has two bicycles and a shelf in it. I originally built it as a club house for the boys but once they grew up I realized that an 8x8 , 4 foot tall clubhouse made a darned good dog house. But after all these years it is really time to demolish it and build a nice new dog house for them . But since they would rather lie in the hole they dug under the old mobile scout travel trailer why bother.

Now if you really want to do an article on someone, I know an old guy (in his eighties or nineties) , who has the most magnificent shop up over his garage. He is a cordwainer, and mechanical engineer. He built his own air conditioning unit back before home air conditioning was common and it still works (even has a water coolign tower). He even built his own aluminum van body to go on a wrecked chasis. This guy is a real marvel, but I doubt he would be that interested. It will be a shame when his knowledge and story are lost.

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  • 9 years later...

I am also a writer and now even work as a reporter. But at the university, I kept my blog on software and mechanical engineer. And despite the fact that I did not like to do my assignments and preferred to pay someone at UK PapersOwl for this, I do my job very well. I am also very glad that there are similar platforms where you can with people who understand this.

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