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Everything posted by deaf_girl

  1. A couple more “When kids hit 1 year old, it's like hanging out with a miniature drunk. You have to hold onto them. They bump into things. They laugh and cry. They urinate. They vomit.'†Johnny Depp “The hard part about being a bartender is figuring out who is drunk and who is just stupid†- Richard Braunstein Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me. - Winston Churchill
  2. I don't want to copy any copy protected movies. maybe I didn't make myself clear, I want to back up my computer and need a program that will let me do that. I have a dvd burner, and they are used for other things besides making copys of copy protected mess. I need something that write to a dvd. sorry if I broke any kind of rules Sorry, That bullet was meant for me. you were caught in the crossfire
  3. DVD Shink, DVD Decrypter and AnyDVD. First 2 are free. Edit: 3rd is $50
  4. Have you tested the PSU? Is the CPU fan running? It looks like it might be a heat issue
  5. Never trust a man who loves to dance
  6. 10: You may flatulate in front of a woman only after you have brought her to climax. If you trap her head under the covers for the purpose of flatulent entertainment, she's officially your girlfriend. Refer to 2: (e)
  7. O.K. this ones sick, but has to be added. Q: Why do lawyers wear neckties so tight? A: To keep the foreskin back
  8. I believe that movie was released through Sony. Sony has a new form of protection called Arccos. DVD Decyrpter and Shrink usually can't beat it, but I am pretty sure Slysoft's AnyDVD will crack it. There is a free trial you can download at AnyDVD
  9. "They love him, he's a good Man, and they would have married him anyway." The good man is pushing it.
  10. You're a sick man. But it's all good
  11. For a minute I was confused, then I got it. All girl here.
  12. So true, and men are so predictible
  13. What's sad, is it's true.
  14. I've had that happen to me too. Alot of the time I run anti-spyware and it will find something that's harmless, but after you delete it , FF runs fine.
  15. It's not free but Panda Titanium is real good and also stops spyware. Plus it's only $10.00
  16. Thanks sethook, Aluvus recommendation was on the money. My PC is even running cooler than it used to
  17. It's offical, my PSU is dying. The fan is not moving and all my temps are high. CPU, HDD and inside the case are hot. The CPU fan and the 120mm fan in the back are running fine.
  18. I'll check for dust. If that isn't it I'll see if my brother thinks it's just the fan and replace if needed. And last if you say Aluvus is right I'll look into that PSU Thanks guys
  19. My PSU is a Antec 380W. It came with my Antec Sonata case and it's about 3yrs. old. I checked the BIOS and everything seems fine Core Vcore - 1.33 +12.ov - 12.091 +5.0v - 5.094 +3.3v - 3.28 I'm just concerned because my friend says it used to be quiet and now it can be heard off and on.
  20. I asked this over at G$ but no one really gave me an answer. I'm being told that my power supply is now starting to make a low buzzing sound, like it's being strained. I'm taking this as a sign that my PSU is starting to go bad. I don't want to have it go out and then wait for a new PSU. Am I being paraniod? I'm running an AMD3700+, 250GB & 320GB HDD's, DVD Burner I'm looking at one of these from Antec 500W Thermaltake 430W Forton Source 450W Any suggestions?
  21. A friend asked me about a problem with her Dell. Since I have no clue what she's talking about and have no way knowing what to fix, I ask you guys for your help. She says that some sound that the USB post makes when a device is plugged in or disconnected is sounding off randomly when nothing is being connected. She says it happens by itself whenever. I tried googling but found nothing. She's running XP Home.
  22. Thought you might find this entertaining P2P Ins.
  23. Probably due to the longer cable. The signal loses strength over distance