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Everything posted by DarkestDream

  1. take all the time you need. and oyu need a pently of rest....... Great to see you
  2. It must be Javascript error, FastReply depends on JS. ask BestTechie to take a look at FastReply JS to make sure there no problem And im sure you have the javascript enabled P.S. i used to have that error in Extensionsmirror.nl, Sbol found out it the Javascript problem then he fixed it.
  3. HOLY SH*T!!!!! RUN!!!! IT THE PSYCHO ROBOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Logitech didnt sucks. your friend must be having a driver conflict or lags. i personally love Logitech, they made a great products
  5. Restoration is very powerful program and it free. it can pick up a delete files that have up to 5 passes. So give it a try, it very simple and very powerful
  6. I plan to add SWQ, but it not futura. So those three major mmorpg. What is your opinion over those mmorpg. i like WoW, Everquest is ok. but havent play Guild Wars (saw the movies but didnt help me to see what it really is) Tell me about them, i like to have a discussion, so those three mmorpg is good to discuss about. Explain you experience about them, i will soon
  8. and make sure you uncheck the theme... cuz sometime it didnt work well updating the themes
  9. i knew you a skater looking guy cuz of your avatar.......
  10. i ready to leave everything behind me but one thing... PORN??? g4 allowing PORN??? what the h3ll they are?? They said they allow links to the porn, that fine but one thing, they can get sued by a parent....... and im sure the government will......
  11. i totally agree but i want two things. i need more information from Pete and Chappy to see how and what happen when they got banned, to keep the information striaght
  12. Water cooling is great but very $$$, the negative side on water cooling, they tend to have a leak but that is rare case but it can spark a fire or FRIED your computer. That why some people have a method to test for leaks before putting them in the case. one guy put his radtitor in bucket of water, but using a compressed air in it and test if see any bubbles out of it
  13. You are right, what i am trying to do is get Pete and Chappy (i miss his old TTV name "ChappyDad") here and clear it up for us, so that way we get the information from the source
  14. Well, as you know Comcast own it. Many people talking about that Comcast is nice asnd wonderful until i tell them the dark side of Comcast, they become quiet right away...... And other thing, THEY ALLOW A PORN SITE????
  15. Quoted from Wyntahchyld (the moderator at CFH)
  16. that is you?? i was expecting a military guy like your avatar
  17. "The_d Speaks" Yep with both hands holding a cheek while he is bent over. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA trying to do Ace Ventura style
  18. Read my post, chappy is in my post, i am talking about him
  19. I think they did that stunt to get us old techtv members to leave, either voluntarily, or by saying something that the mods would consider a bannable offense. They don't want anyone using their forum if that don't watch that crappy station, G4. G4 is fine if you are young (2-29), and a gamer, but it's just MTV for gamers to me. I liked the forums, though, but SOME of the mods are jerks (like the ones that banned people for stupid reasons, Acrifolium, for example) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What Acrifolium do?? I need a JUICY information about what idiotic thing he did
  20. yea but it might mean that it not really a computering CFH, it might mean CHEAT FOR HELP for gaming
  21. my my my, the new moderators at so-called "CFH" forum, they keep locking the thread for insults, sadly that they not used to our ways. i really feel bad for Comcast...... i really do....... HAHAHAH YEA RIGHT, THE HELL I CARE ABOUT THEM
  22. Firefox still have problem with their updater, it not fully fixed
  23. not use nvidia firewall yet cuz it very new, and im sure it will have a lot of bugs, if nvidia firewalll been proven powerful and equal as Sygate/ZA/BlackICE for a year, then try it