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Everything posted by naraku9333

  1. It's legal, the windows copy that came with the dell is (more than likely) OEM so legally LiXindi can't install it on another system anyway. Besides, its a private sale so as long as licensed software isn't used elsewhere as well LiXindi is in the clear. Ofcourse if any of the EULA's specificaly state it is illegal then it would be.
  2. If your that worried about messing up the mbr why not use a virtual machine?
  3. I ran across k9copy last night while looking for a system backup application. This may be old news as I haven't had the need to backup a dvd in a while and had been using dvdshrink(linux) for some time. Anyone who has wanted a native application truely comparable(easy use, good quality video, and menus) to dvdshrink(windows) this is what you have been waiting for (I know I have been). It is a KDE application so I assume it requires some kde deps, I do know it requires vamps which does the resizing. Gentoo users both k9copy and vamps are in portage.
  4. I agree with Iccaros about splitting the code up into sub-procedures. It would be far more efficient to write (and read).
  5. The fact there is any output to the screen suggests the mother board is probably fine. Have you checked bios setup has all correct values?
  6. Should be under control center > apperance, if not you may need to emerge gtk-engines-qt if on gentoo, and instructions here for debian package. Yup.
  7. Thats pretty cool, I also thought enumerating was only for lists. I haven't used enum yet but that looks very interesting, can methods be enumerated like that or just classes? It's both.
  8. Look into penetration testing (assuming you want to test the vulnerability of systems on your LAN). If your looking more for how to penetrate, your local bookstore should have some ethical hacking books which may or may not help.
  9. I doubt it will be patched, it is (IMO) more a feature than a bug. Macro's can be very useful in an office application. It can be exploited but on a unix/linux system it should be limited by the users privledges. I guess you dont remeber the early days of the internet. And to say Iccaros' comment "sully and off-color" the thread is a bit much toward an obvious joke.
  10. More than likely it errored durring or after the zero out with dd. If so there wasn't (shouldn't have been) a problem with the drive, it was unmountable because it didn't have a filesystem (FS's are mounted, not drives). I do wonder why it crashed, I ran the zero out/quick format without any problems.
  11. What do you mean "hosed the drive", kfloppy uses the same command (mkdosfs) for quick formats which is all you can do with a flash drive. (kfloppy uses fdformat for "full format" which checks if it is a floppy drive)
  12. I dont know enough about j2me to tell you if its possible or not, but I wouldn't be surprised. I dont think Im really understanding the point of the app, many phones have a key lock feature.
  13. For future reference azureus doesn't build with a 1.5 jdk so you will have to revert to blackdown to re-build it if necessary.
  14. I have my jdk set as default, the jre doesn't include javac, but the jdk includes the jre.
  15. Since I need alot of practice I decided to write a couple little client/server apps in java (Idont know any python to help with your's). /* * * * Created on May 27, 2006, 11:15 PM * * To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under * the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose * Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor. */ /** * * @author naraku */ import; import; import; import; import j
  16. I don't know about python but in java it is fairly easy to write apps that read and write to sockets. The client could have a daemon running that does the specific checks that you want and if the conditions are met send an error code like STORAGE_LOW,etc... on the socket. You would need a daemon running listening on the port on your end for this to work and would also want a static ip (or domain name).
  17. Sounds like a pretty good option for small/home You may consider (maybe give as an additional option) that the backup be on a local server (or NAS) with a raid5 (or better) array. Another option could be a monthly tape backup done by you and kept off site (would require expense on your part for tape drive and cartridges) EDIT: The script is a good idea (Im surprised acronis doesn't already have a rotate feature) but, python would require an interpreter installed on the clients systems (probably wouldn't be a huge deal) maybe a batch file or vb script may be a better idea.
  18. Yes kde makes things pretty easy. Heres another little .desktop file that adds a compile action for .java files. [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 ServiceTypes=text/x-java Actions=CompileJava [Desktop Action CompileJava] Name=Compile Java File Exec=javac %f Icon=package_system
  19. Ok, I got a working method to add format to right click action menu and as an action for connected usb devices (KDE3.5.x). I used kfloppy basicaly since being a kde app has the look n' feel. But having the correct device in the combo box in kfloppy requires editing the source (adding about 3 lines, not a hard process). If you don't already have the source download kdeutils-3.5.2.tar.bz2 (DIRECT LINK). Unpack the archive and cd kdeutils-3.5.2/kfloppy/In your favorite text editor open floppy.cpp (back it up first if you like) and go down to line 416, the section will look like: // ### TODO user