Finding our voice in business: VoIP, smart assistants, and Google Duplex

VoIP is becoming more mainstream as technology advances. With devices like Amazon’s Echo and Apple’s Siri becoming more commonplace, companies are beginning to find advantages in voice recognition software. More businesses are taking on the practice to add VoIP into their employee’s workflow.

The results have varied, from miscommunications with devices to getting accurate answers in an instant. VoIP software seems to be part of the future that’s not going anywhere, so big businesses are trying to make the change as quick as possible.

What Is VoIP?

Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP for short, is voice communication technology that makes use of IP networks, like the internet. Examples include Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant. Skype and other programs that make phone calls over the internet are also included in the VoIP family. Understanding what and how VoIP can contribute to performance efficiency is crucial for any business owner. Look into this ultimate VoIP guide to provide you with the necessary information. 

The difference between Skype and Google Assistant is that one allows you to talk to a person while another lets you speak to a machine. The machine can be an extra employee for businesses to keep inventory, connect to other smart devices and use mass communication instantly. Bandwidth efficiency and the cost of most VoIP technology makes this an attractive addition to many businesses looking to upgrade or update their surroundings.

The Future Hasn’t Arrived Yet

The VoIP technology being introduced into big businesses is no different from the ones we have in our homes or on our smartphones. While the idea of talking to a computer at the office may paint the image of Picard on the Enterprise’s bridge, no one will be addressing the computer to raise shields anytime soon.

Problems with background noises or using incorrect keywords will make the VoIP system not respond correctly, never mind people talking over one another. An old-fashioned keyboard will never go out of style due to sheer simplicity. A business embracing VoIP technology is not going to be thrust into the future suddenly but instead will feel much more modern up to date than potential competitors.

They’re Getting Smarter

Google’s new Duplex is paving the way to the future faster than any of the other VoIP simply because of the voice. Duplex can sound just like a real person to the point that the new technology has fooled people. By making idle small talk and using pauses in all the right places, Duplex is an AI illusion unlike any other technology before.

Naturally, businesses are implementing Duplex into call centers to handle customer support. Making the VoIP technology act as a communication hub for customers rather than employees frees up the company’s time to do more time managed operations. At the same time, customers whose concerns need a real person’s intervention should be able to receive the help without trouble, if Duplex is implemented correctly.

Everything’s Connected

What makes VoIP so unique in the workplace — when not contributing to customer service — is the integration into everything else. VoIP software only works perfectly when there is ample access to other smart device systems, like the thermostats, lighting, inventory catalogs, payroll and other programs designed to make an employee’s life easier.

VoIP can also be used for communication to send orders or instructions down the line to the rest of their staff. The instructions sent along can even be complicated, and VoIP will pass along the message or do the job.

The Risks

Communication with a modern-day VoIP can get confusing and even frustrating. By only listening for keywords in phrases and questions, the device may misunderstand or provide a wrong answer or service. Common speech barriers like synonyms, lack of context and background noise can make speaking to VoIP impossible on some days.

be aware of the dangers up front, so they can only give out details they’re comfortable with.

The Rewards

If technology can address all these threats, using VoIP in business will have significant benefits — not including becoming more modern. The best advantage is saving money. VoIP is the future of automation in business, and there’s no cost put aside to using other programs

You can also use VoIP anywhere, not just at the office, and it adjusts easily to differences inside of the company. Power outages or local disasters won’t make the entire business fall apart, either, as the VoIP can recover everything potentially lost.

Keeping Up

VoIP is the future of business automation. Perhaps we aren’t in the world of Star Trek yet, but the software used in VoIP technologies is making the future come faster than expected. For now, tech gurus are still working out all the kinks. They may even take these tools in a new direction before resolving all these issues. Until then, VoIP looks like a 20th-century business.