Find Nintendo Switch savings with Deku Deals

The Nintendo Switch is a fantastic little machine. It isn’t quite up to the power of the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, but because of its portable nature, it doesn’t need to be. It just has to get close, and give us a way to play games both at home and on the go in the process.

But wow, are games for this console ever expensive.

If you’ve ever weighed the pros and cons of buying a game on the Switch versus buying the same game on any other platform, you likely looked at price. And you discovered that, almost always, the Nintendo Switch version of the title is much higher than it is elsewhere.

I could write you a giant essay about why this is but we’ll skip all that for now in favor of giving you a way to quickly check for Nintendo Switch deals.

I introduce to you a website called Deku Deals.

Deku Deals finds you the absolute lowest price on pretty much anything Nintendo Switch related, polling online retailers as well as Nintendo’s own digital eShop to track down the best deals. In the market for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle? Right now, you can learn via Deku Deals that GameStop is selling it for $24.99. Looking to pick up a Pro Controller to augment your experience? Deku Deals tells you that Amazon, Best Buy, and Target are all selling the device for $56.99 — a 19% savings.

Deku Deals keeps tabs on price changes for games, game add-ons, hardware, gift cards, and peripherals that you could potentially use with your Switch (such as a Micro SD card). And even better — the site enables you to create an account and track the items you’re interested in, so you can receive email alerts when something you’re interested in goes on sale.

Being a devoted gamer is almost as much about hacking the buying process as it is playing the games themselves. You want to experience as much as possible, and that is far easier to do when you can buy more for less. Deku Deals helps you do just that for the Nintendo Switch, and it’s definitely worth a look and a bookmark.