FeedBurner Not Reporting The Correct Number of Subscribers (Again)

If you happened to login to your FeedBurner account, you may notice that your subscriber count dropped down to zero.  Don’t fret though, it’s just the latest known issue with FeedBurner.  According to a post on the FeedBurner Status Blog from earlier today, “We have been encountering difficulties with our stats production pipeline for data representing March 18th thru 20th. We are currently working to resolve the issue.”

Now, the real question is how long will it take for the issue to be resolved?  Back in September, the same problem occurred, which we reported on, and it took Google days to fix.  Ironically, the problem occurred on September 19 and was acknowledged by the FeedBurner team on the 21st, and subsequently fixed a couple of days later.

Google recently announced it was shutting down Google Reader (its RSS reader) in July, I can’t help but wonder how much longer FeedBurner has left.

We’ll keep you updated as we learn more.

Update: It appears the issues have been resolved.