Did Microsoft Accidentally Tease Windows 9 in China?

At the end of the month, Microsoft will reportedly unveil a preview of the latest version of its operating system, Windows Threshold, which many believe will be called Windows 9 when it’s released. While news of that preview has made its way online through unofficial channels, it seems that Microsoft’s office in China is letting the news slip by mistake.

Late last night (or early this morning, depending on your point of view), Microsoft China posted the above fan-made logo on its Weibo page, along with the text, “Microsoft’s latest OS Windows 9 is coming soon, do you think the start menu at the left bottom will make a come back?”

Shortly after the image was posted, it was removed, but not before it was spotted by Chinese tech site CnBeta, and later reblogged stateside by the Verge.

The whole situation is a bit odd. It seems unlikely that someone working at any branch of Microsoft – whether it’s in Asia, Europe, or North America – wouldn’t realize that an upcoming preview of Windows 9 is the kind of thing you don’t simply casually mention. Microsoft has yet to confirm the existence of Windows 9, let alone that it’s coming soon. Would someone on Microsoft’s social media team really be so boneheaded as to let the cat out of the bag so easily?

Then there are some other questionable aspects to the tease. For starters, the logo used here is made by a fan. Sure, social media people love fan engagement, and in that way this passes that sniff test. But it still doesn’t quite sit right, especially when coupled with the rhetorical question regarding the start menu.

In all, it wouldn’t be too surprising to hear that Microsoft’s Weibo page was hacked. So far, however, Microsoft has yet to make any such claims. Either way, it seems pretty clear that expectations are high for Microsoft’s next OS. Hack or no hack, Microsoft must be pleased that people care so much about Windows 9.

[Sources: The Verge, CnBeta]