Destiny Diary, Issue 9: Xur Location and Items for 4/3-4/5; Weekly Strike Info

Another week, another visit to the Tower by Xur. What’s he packing this time around? I’ll fill you in. I’ll also get you up to speed on what the Nightfall and Heroic strikes are for the week.

Let’s do it.

Xur Location

Xur is straight past the Speaker’s room in the left side of the Tower. To help you, I’ve included a screenshot.

What’s Xur Selling This Week?

He’s selling an exotic rocket launcher this week… but not Gjallarhorn. Instead, Xur’s weapon of the week is Dragon’s Breath, which isn’t a terrible rocket launcher; unfortunately, it’s outclassed by Gjallarhorn, Truth, and even the Legendary Hunger of Crota (so, basically, rocket launchers with some kind of tracking). If you’re a collector, absolutely buy it. If you’re looking to get real use out of it, I’d say your coins are better saved for something else. Dragon’s Breath is selling for 17 Strange Coins.

Xur also has his usual lineup of Guardian gear. For Titans, he has the Glasshouse helmet. For Hunters, he has the Don’t Touch Me gauntlets. And, for Warlocks, Xur’s brought some gauntlets, too — Sunbreakers. All Guardian armor is selling for 13 Strange Coins.

If you just need an Exotic Shard, Xur has one of those too, for 7 Strange Coins. And if you need a chestpiece, you can try your luck with an Exotic Engram; that sells for 23 Motes of Light.

Oh, and by the way — Xur has heavy ammo synthesis again.

Weekly Nightfall & Heroic Strikes

If you enjoy descending into the depths of Venus to battle what is essentially a scaled-up Vex Hydra, you’ll love this week’s Nightfall and Heroic Strike: the Nexus.

The Nightfall edition of this strike has the Void Burn, Angry, Epic, and Juggler modifiers.

The Weekly Heroic edition has no burns whatsoever, and the Juggler modifier.

Have anything Destiny-related you want to share with us? Send it to tips at besttechie dot com — we’d love to feature it in a future edition of Destiny Diary.