DEAL: Free Game With the Purchase of an Xbox One, from Sept. 7-13

Have you been holding out for a great Xbox One deal? With Madden 15 just released and Destiny coming on September 9, the deals may not get any better than this one.

From September 7-13, anyone who purchases an Xbox One at a participating retailer will be able to get any game they want for free. Want Titanfall? Done. Looking to play a little Wolfenstein instead? Take a free copy home with your Xbox One. Do you want to blow your free game on Angry Birds? That’s your choice, but know that it’s possible.

Oh, and this deal applies to the Xbox One bundles, as well. That means you can pick up the Xbox One and Kinect-only bundle, get the Kinect bundle with Forza, or get the Kinect-less Madden 15 bundle and also pick out a free game.

Considering that, a few months ago, the Xbox One didn’t have a $399 option, much less any bundle with a game included, Microsoft has managed to add some incredible value to its lineup in a very short period of time.

And I know that there are some buyers out there who want a Kinect but aren’t big fans of sim racing games. This is an opportunity to justify that purchase. Just pretend you’re buying a $499 Destiny bundle, for instance, and sell your Forza code to someone who actually wants to play the game.

As an early adopter, do I wish I’d wanted to buy the Xbox One? In light of all these spectacular deals, absolutely. I probably wouldn’t have gotten as into Titanfall as I did (because it was really the only thing to play at the time), but waiting until September would have given me a decent back catalog of games to play — at least, for this early in the console’s lifespan — and some bundle and discount options to keep some extra money in my pocket.

Still, I’m glad Microsoft is making some moves here to stay competitive in the space, because everyone benefits. Microsoft sells more consoles and makes the platform more enticing to developers, and that forces Sony to continue hustling. And Nintendo… well, Nintendo will just continue doing whatever it wants.

What do you think of this Xbox One deal? Leave us your thoughts.