Coupons At Checkout Finds and Applies All Coupons With A Single Click

Shopping online offers great convenience, you can do it at any time and you don’t even have to get out of your pajamas.  However, one of the benefits to going to a store to shop is being able to easily utilize any coupons you may have in your possession, whereas finding and applying coupons online can be a bit more of a hassle.  That’s where this browser extension/plugin comes in, it’s called Coupons At Checkout.

Coupons At Checkout works with every major browser, including Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and even Internet Explorer. And it’s super easy to use.  All you have to do is install the browser extension, start shopping, and when you reach out the checkout page with the coupon code field, if Coupons At Checkout has any coupons in its system that may work, the coupon code text field will have a red outline, click the text field and you will be presented with a list of coupons to try.

Each coupon in the Coupons At Checkout system has been manually tested and verified to work, so just click the coupon you want and it will automatically be applied. I should note that if you see one with a red dot next to it, it means the coupon has expired and likely will not work. Coupon websites like label expired coupons as such and help users know before trying to use it. There are also some cases where expired coupons still work so anyone could give it a try.

As of right now, the browser extension is better suited to sites that offer site-wide coupons as opposed to product specific ones.  However, I was told that smart shopping basket recognition is something the developers are actively looking into. I’ve found that the extension works really well on sites like,, and

If you shop online a lot and are looking for an easy way to save money, the Coupons At Checkout browser extension is for you. Additionally, we also recently took a look at Mavatar, an online shopping cart that also automatically applies coupons while you shop — that’s also worth looking into.