We've Joined Carbon Ads

You guys know I care about you, right? I love and respect the BestTechie audience. This site has gone through many revisions over the years in effort to make it not only better, but easier to navigate and more friendly to the audience. Over the years, some of those revisions have involved trying new advertising networks and placements — some of them have stuck, most not. I hate that most ad networks have such low quality inventory and can be really intrusive for you, the reader.

But that’s all about to change… starting today.

I am thrilled to announce that BestTechie has joined Carbon Ads, a premium invite-only advertising network for digital publishers.

Carbon Ads displays just one, tasteful (and definitely not intrusive) advertisement on each page with a small amount of text (as seen on the sidebar). This format not only offers zero competition for the advertiser, it also keeps the design of the site clean making your experience on BestTechie even better.

Additionally, Carbon Ads is able to offer targeted and relevant advertisements because membership to the ad network is by invitation only. This keeps the demographic scope in-line with the advertiser’s target audience and maximizes the relevance of a campaign run on the network.

If you’re interested in advertising here as well as on all the other incredible sites in the Carbon Ads network, visit the Carbon Ads website.