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So a while back I wrote about a new web 2.0 site called When I wrote about the site it was still in beta and I must say the site has definitely improved greatly. Lots of new features, fixes, and the member base (the ustreamers) are great – the selection of shows is pretty good. There’s tech (of course), sports, life in general, and other assorted types.

There are also a number of pretty big names on – aside from me of course. Nah, I’m just kidding. Chris Pirillo and Leo Laporte (You may know those two from the TechTV days) are both on Ustream with shows of their own. Anyway, recently I’ve been really getting into the whole stream thing. I used to do it occasionally when I had nothing else to do, but as of the last few days in the morning before Chris Pirillo wakes up to get on his stream and do his thing I’ve been filling in for him to help keep the masses entertained. Now, not to sound conceded or stuck up but I’m doing a pretty good job, I think. I mean, the viewers that have been watching me in the morning seem to be enjoying the show and contributing and for that, I am very grateful that you the viewers have given me a chance to interact with you and that you have shown such an interest in what I have to say.

I love interacting and meeting new people, I’m one of those guys who tends to make friends wherever they go. With that said, I’d really like to thank Chris for allowing me to get on the feed and do what I love in front of a large audience. In life, when you get opportunities to make advances or to do something you’ve wanted to do don’t be afraid to take them. I must say that these opportunities have really allowed me to make a name for myself and the site ( and for that I am grateful as well.

I hope to continue to keep streaming for Chris in the mornings and on my own stream as well – The Show.

If you enjoy my stream or would like to see something in particular or have an idea for something you would like me to talk about, please leave a comment. I love feedback.